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Parental Involvement

Welcome to St.James’ Parents’ Page

My name is Suzanne Louch and I am St. James’ Learning Mentor and Parental Involvement Worker.

I know a lot of parents already know me but I’d like to take this opportunity to make myself known to all our new parents.

At St. James’ we have been working hard to make our school a parent-friendly environment, where parents always feel welcome.

I am available for any parent or carer to contact me at school. I am here to try to help build a good relationship with families and to have good communication between school and home.

I am available every Tuesday morning for form filling , parent pay, parent view, parenting tips – headlice, bed wetting, positive behaviour strategies and much more. 9:10am onwards

If parents need someone to talk to I am a good listener and I make a great cup of coffee!

Best wishes
Suzanne Louch.

The Academy at St James - Aspire, Achieve, Believe
